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If you love big gorgeous women with curves, PlumperPass will give you the justice you have been looking for. They have a collection of women with some of the biggest assets I have seen in a long while. Whether it’s the asses, boobs, or even tummies, everything is big and gorgeous. You can never hope to get bigger women anywhere else on the net.

Plumper Pass used to be a network of different sites but lately, they have combined them to come up with one bigger and better site for consistency and ease of access. At the moment, they have over 1864 updates, each of which provides a movie and a picture set in most cases. Over 382 models will be seen posing and spreading legs for great fucking action here. You can choose to stream their movies on the site or download them in which case you will get Flash, WMV, and MP4 formats to use. Quality varies depending on the posting dates but most of the movies are currently displaying at 1280×720 pixels with speeds of up to 3.0 Megs/sec.

The site has an easy and straightforward design which offers a great browsing experience. Updates will be seen in thumbnails on the homepage. They have a section for updates and a different section where you can see their models even though no extensive descriptions are provided. You can sort out the models by ethnicity, body color, and type of hair and you could also leave a rating after viewing a model. The members’ area is also well optimized with links to all their content.

PlumperPass turned out to be a great mega-site for solo, lesbian, and hardcore sex involving big gorgeous women with curves and great female anatomy that will drive you crazy as you watch them getting down and naughty. It’s a must-have site for all lovers of Plump women.